The Korean Culture and Information Service (KOCIS) of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in 2023 is seeking Honorary Reporters for to promote Korea to the world.
Join the 2023 Honorary Reporters and take the chance to experience and share Korean culture.
1. Qualifications
■ Non-Korean national highly interested in and passionate about Korea
■ Active user of social media (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc.)
■ Able to generate quality content* in one of the following languages: English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, French, German, Russian, and Indonesian
*Content can be in any format including written article, photo, video, or illustration
2. Activities
■ Period: May 2023-April 2024 (extension for previous HRs possible)
■ Content creation | Honorary Reporters create articles and other forms of content covering any topic related to Korea.
■ Events | Honorary Reporters can take part in online and offline events hosted by KOCIS and related organizations.
■ Contests | Honorary Reporters receive the opportunity to show their creative content to raise understanding of Korea by competing in seasonal contests.
■ Workshops and Education | provides development programs based on the activities and capabilities of each individual to boost the content development skills of Honorary Reporters.
*Successful applicants to receive detailed guidelines later
3. Benefits
■ Official letter of appointment (PDF file via Email)
■ Small honorarium or gifts for those who produce superior work
■ Participate in programs related to Korean culture
4. Application
■ Click the link below to apply/reapply
■ Recruitment inquiries:
5. Schedule
■ Application period: 2023.3.13 ~ 3.31
■ Announcement: via email notification
*Only selected candidates to receive notice