Please welcome the new international collaborative project, the “Writing Project”!
National Hangeul Museum, in partnership with Leipzig University Library and Gutenberg Museum in Germany, would like to introduce cultures of writings in the two countries.
We are going to share interesting and informative stories about letters, scripts, typography, printing, and books from the three institutions.
As the beginning of the project, National Hangeul Museum presents ‘Hangeul, Encompassing the Sounds of the World’.
Explore the origin of letters and discover Hangeul as a phonogram.
– 「소리를 담은 글자, 한글」:
The second video clip for the “Writing Project” is ‘Hunminjeongeum, the correct sounds for educating people’. By introducing several important sentences from the book, it explains philosophical background of the new script and shows how the usage was explained to the general people.
– 「백성을 가르치는 소리, 훈민정음」: